

The Town Council are responsible for 2 allotment sites and over 55 plots. These are at the end of Stutton Road at its junction with Leeds Road, and behind Westfield Crescent.

The plots can be used to grow your own vegetables, soft fruit and herbs. Working on an allotment is a great way to socialise, exercise, develop your horticultural skills and enjoy the fresh air.

As an allotment holder you must:

  • keep your plot tidy and cultivated
  • compost your waste
  • show consideration and respect for other plot-holders
  • obtain permission to put up sheds or greenhouses
  • pay your rent promptly
  • inform the council straight away if you change your address or other contact details

Allotment Charges

Charges for Stutton Road and Middlemiss Allotment Sites, Tadcaster. Charges are reviewed annually and are due on 1 January each year.

The charges for 2023 are as follows:-
Sutton Road Allotments

Westfield Allotments
Small Plots £19.00        |        Large Plots £30.00

Best Kept Allotment Competition

We are delighted to announce each year a competition is held for the best kept allotment on Stutton Road. This is held in memory of Roger Clarke who was a dedicated allotment enthusiast and an upstanding member of Tadcaster’s allotment community.

This year we are pleased to introduce the very first best kept allotment competition on our Westfield site also. With a change in the site design and introduction of new pathways Westfield now has a larger number of plots, this will be an exciting challenge for all proud allotment owners.

Stutton Road allotmentStutton Road allotments

 Westfield allotments

Apply for an Allotment

Plots become available throughout the year and these will be issued on a first come first serve basis. To be added to our waiting list please get in touch as below. You will be required to complete and return a contact and GDPR consent form.

When you apply for an allotment, your name is added to the waiting list. When a plot becomes available, we contact the next person of the list. All applications will be dealt with in date order.

Allotment Poster

Privacy Notice - How we use your information

Tadcaster Town Council is registered with the information Commissioners Office (ICO) under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. The Council takes it's responsibilities under the Act very seriously.

The information provided by you is collected purely for the purpose of contacting you when an allotment becomes available. We need to collect this information in order to maintain accurate records and to offer you an allotment in a suitable location. Sharing your information with us constitutes explicit consent from you to process your data for this purpose. You have the right to see what information is held about you, to have inaccurate information corrected and to have information removed from our system unless we are required by law or a statutory purpose to keep it. You can do this by writing to 

You have the right to complain to the Data Protection Officer if you feel that your data has not been handled in accordance with the law. The councils Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at 

Your name and contact details are recorded on any correspondence to you relating to your request for an allotment and electronically on our system to maintain up to date records. This information will be kept until you are offered a plot or you ask to be removed from the waiting list.