Flooding and Community Safety


The Town Council holds regular meetings of an Emergency Planning Sub Committee which works alongside volunteer groups in the town including Tadcaster Flood Action Group, and Tadcaster Flood Prevention Group looking at all aspects of Flood Prevention, Community Safety and potential emergencies in Tadcaster. As part of this work a Community Emergency Plan has been completed.

Please see links for specific safety information:-


The centre of Tadcaster is prone to flooding from the River Wharfe, and whilst the town has flood defences, flooding has occurred several times in recent years with the road bridge collapse and the town cut in two from December 2015 until February 2017.

The Environment Agency are in the process of developing a Flood Alleviation Scheme for Tadcaster – Please see (FAS) newsletter below.

Tadcaster FAS Community Drop-Ins Leaflet 

Community Update

This update is to make you aware of a delay to the proposed Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme. It will briefly cover the reasons behind the delay and the changes to the timescale of the project.

As you may already be aware, there has been a delay to the proposed Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme and this has caused significant changes to the project timeline and estimated delivery date of the scheme.

The Issue
A recent review has highlighted inaccuracies within the existing hydrological model that is being used as the basis for developing the flood defence scheme in Tadcaster. In order to develop an appropriate scheme for Tadcaster, an accurate model representing the flood risk situation and hydrological conditions of the River Wharfe at Tadcaster and local area is essential.

The model provides the basis of information for which the scheme is designed on and helps to ensure the height of any proposed defences and volumes of any storage components of the solution are correct. Were the identified issues not addressed it could result in the scheme not delivering the intended Standard of Protection to the town.

The Outcome
We want to provide the community with the most effective scheme that we can. Therefore, it is paramount that the inaccuracies within the existing model are addressed and the model is as accurate as it can be before we use it to review the options for the scheme.

The process of updating the existing model will take a certain amount of time and we expect that this delay will set back the construction start date of the scheme until 2024. We know that this delay will cause concern and frustration among the community, however, it is important we take the time to address the issues identified with the model to ensure that ultimately the most appropriate scheme is delivered for the town.

In the meantime we aim to answer any queries you may have, so please send us an email to: tadcasterfas@environment-agency.gov.uk and please follow us and sign up to our updates through the above email address and the Tadcaster FAS Facebook page.

Tadcaster Flood Action Group is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping the community become more resilient and prepared against flooding they give help and advice to residents and businesses at risk of flooding in Tadcaster. They also work closely with multiple agencies in finding solutions to prevent flooding in the future. More can be found on their website www.tadcasterfloodaction.org

Selby District Council has Flooding Information at https://www.selby.gov.uk/flooding page which can be found on their website.

Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) Overview  

See attached November 2022 newsletter From Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme
See attached March 2022 newsletter From Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme
See attached September 2020 newsletter From Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme



Tadcaster Staying Alive – Delivered by Tadcaster Flood Action Group – this is a defibrillator initiative funded by the community.

Defibrillators are sited at the following locations:-

  1. The Broken Bridge, LS24 8AE

  2. Genesis Hair Design, LS24 8AB

  3. Coors Brewery, LS24 9FD

  4. Costa Coffee, LS24 9AU

  5. Jackdaw Inn, LS24 9HJ

A map including locations of the town’s defibrillators and further information regarding the Community Defibrillator Project can be found on the Tadcaster Flood Action Group page www.tadcasterfloodaction.org

Defibrillators are not locked enabling the units to be quickly removed and taken to the casualty without delay.

Selby District Safer Neighbourhood Team - is on Facebook where up-to-date and useful police information can be found. 

Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme Planning Application

If you want to know more about the scheme that has now been submitted by the Environment Agency for Planning Approval, you can access a great deal of information on the North Yorkshire Council Planning website.

Search ‘North Yorkshire Planning and Conservation’, follow the link to the resultant website and navigate as follows:

=> ‘View and comment on planning applications’
=> ‘View and comment on planning applications in your area’
=> ‘We need a location’ and enter Tadcaster.

On the following page click on the link ‘Public Access’. The Reference Number for the application on Public Access is ZG2024/1144/EIA and the application is titled ‘Construction of Flood Alleviation Scheme including raising existing flood defences … etc’. Search using the Reference Number above to be taken to the ‘Planning - Application Summary’ page. On this page click on ‘Documents’ and then on the following page click on ‘View Associated Documents’. You should now be presented with a list of all the documents that have been uploaded - this runs over several pages. In the ‘View’ column click on the icon for any document to view/download it.

Of the 200+ documents that are on Public Access, a good overview of what
is proposed is available via these two:
  • Design and Access Statement - Oct 24
  • General Arrangement Overview
Both are located at the end of the documents within the application.

Community input is a very important factor in the decision making process. If you wish to formally voice your opinion, there are three ways of doing so:
  • By Email or By Post or Via Public Access - all are equally valid, none carry more weight than the others

By Email (probably the easiest method for many people, make sure to include the Reference Number ZG2024/1144/EIA)

By Post (make sure to include the reference number ZG2024/1144/EIA)
Development Management, Selby District Council , Civic Centre,
Doncaster Road, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9FT.

On Public Access
If you wish to use this method you must have an Account on Public Access. Creating an Account is much like creating any other online Account these days. Once your account is verified you will be able to log in.

Once logged in, you can register your ‘stance’ on the application in terms of:
  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Object
Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme - Planning Application
You can elaborate on your stance with additional comments if you so wish. It is important that comments are an individual’s comments, not ‘pro forma’ ones which will be picked out by planning officers and given a low rating. It is also very desirable for public comments, whatever the method used, to be submitted by the date specified, which is 06/01/2025.

Further important information about comment submission and how comments are handled is reproduced here (Read/Download Notice).