If you want to know more about the scheme that has now been submitted by the Environment Agency for Planning Approval, you can access a great deal of information on the North Yorkshire Council Planning website.
Search ‘North Yorkshire Planning and Conservation’, follow the link to the resultant website and navigate as follows:
=> ‘View and comment on planning applications’
=> ‘View and comment on planning applications in your area’
=> ‘We need a location’ and enter Tadcaster.
On the following page click on the link ‘Public Access’. The Reference Number for the application on Public Access is ZG2024/1144/EIA and the application is titled ‘Construction of Flood Alleviation Scheme including raising existing flood defences … etc’. Search using the Reference Number above to be taken to the ‘Planning - Application Summary’ page. On this page click on ‘Documents’ and then on the following page click on ‘View Associated Documents’. You should now be presented with a list of all the documents that have been uploaded - this runs over several pages. In the ‘View’ column click on the icon for any document to view/download it.
Of the 200+ documents that are on Public Access, a good overview of what
is proposed is available via these two:
- Design and Access Statement - Oct 24
- General Arrangement Overview
Both are located at the end of the documents within the application.
Community input is a very important factor in the decision making process. If you wish to formally voice your opinion, there are three ways of doing so:
- By Email or By Post or Via Public Access - all are equally valid, none carry more weight than the others
By Email (probably the easiest method for many people, make sure to include the Reference Number ZG2024/1144/EIA)
By Post (make sure to include the reference number ZG2024/1144/EIA)
Development Management, Selby District Council , Civic Centre,
Doncaster Road, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9FT.
On Public Access
If you wish to use this method you must have an Account on Public Access. Creating an Account is much like creating any other online Account these days. Once your account is verified you will be able to log in.
Once logged in, you can register your ‘stance’ on the application in terms of:
Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme - Planning Application
You can elaborate on your stance with additional comments if you so wish. It is important that comments are an individual’s comments, not ‘pro forma’ ones which will be picked out by planning officers and given a low rating. It is also very desirable for public comments, whatever the method used, to be submitted by the date specified, which is 06/01/2025.
Further important information about comment submission and how comments are handled is reproduced here (
Read/Download Notice).