Tadcaster Enhancement

Tadcaster is one of four NY towns identified by North Yorkshire Council to work on a Town Enhancement Programme; this scheme is funded through the North Yorkshire UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The programme is designed to have lasting impact within a town centre, bringing businesses closer together and developing (or further enhancing) collaboration and networks that will continue long after the funding ceases. We hope collaborations and ideas tested through this programme will offer the towns a strong starting point for any future funding available for similar activity.

In Tadcaster the project is managed by a sub group of the Tadcaster Business Forum, working with North Yorkshire Council's Senior Business Advisor, Heidi Green.

The first project to "hit the ground" is a Premises Improvement grant scheme and details are contained below.

Further projects planned are now underway and more information will be added to this page over time. They are summarised below.

Agreed Projects or Delivery 2024/25
Premises Front Improvement Grant Scheme 
Premises Front Improvement Grant Scheme Application Form
Google Digital Garage 
Get Fit For Business 2025 

North Yorkshire Council Logo

Funded by UK Government Logo