How we work
The Town Council has twelve
Councillors and three members of staff. Elections for Councillors are held every four years.
The Council is, in law, a single corporate body, and the decisions it takes are the responsibility of the Council as a whole.
Councillors represent the community and can take decisions together as a Council, but no one councillor, not even the Chairman, can make a decision on behalf of the Council.
The Clerk to the Council is the "Proper Officer", providing independent, objective and professional advice, as well as information and administrative support to the Council. The title is used in law and refers to the appropriate officer for the relevant function. The Clerk takes instructions from the Council as a body, and is not answerable to any particular Councillor - not even to the Chairman. The Clerk advises the Council on whether decisions are lawful, and on ways in which decisions can be implemented. In Tadcaster the Clerk is also the "Responsible Financial Officer". The Clerk is supported by a Deputy Clerk and an Administration Assistant.