Remembrance Sunday in Tadcaster on 8th November 2020

Published: 22 October 2020

These arrangements have had to be made to enable a Service to take place at St Mary’s Church later in the day for wreath layers. Wreaths will be laid in the Church and attendance is by invite only. This is to keep everyone involved safe and ensure social distancing measures can be adhered to at this difficult time.

On this occasion there will be no service and no wreath laying at the war memorial, no parade or procession will take place and Kirkgate Road will not be closed as previous years. The Council strongly advise against attending on the day.

However, I am pleased to advise you that the whole proceedings will be videoed and uploaded online so you may join virtually in your own time should you wish to.

Post Remembrance Day Service, the video will be made available via Tadcaster Town Council's Facebook page for those who wish to commemorate the day.

St Mary’s Church in Tadcaster will also hold a Zoom Service at 10:30am on the day in honour and to remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth. Please see the invitation to St Mary's Zoom Remembrance service.

Alternatively, we invite you to consider new ways of performing Remembrance activities, whether at Remembrancetide or any other time of the year.

To give you a helping hand, the British Legion have put together a wide-range of suggested Covid safe activities that are inexpensive to create such as:

  • Hold a small Remembrance service in your garden.
  • Create a Remembrance space in your garden by planting plants that have a connection to Remembrance.
  • Use Zoom, Facebook or another online meeting resource to host an online Remembrance service or activity.

For other ideas please visit The Royal British Legion's website.

Thank you for your patience at this time.