Published: 20 July 2022
We have a varied programme with a different speaker each month, a fun competition and a raffle. The business part of the meeting is kept to a minimum leaving time for members to socialise and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with biscuits, or a glass of wine! The new year commences in January 2023, the remainder of this year’s programme is below. New ideas for speakers and activities are always encouraged and we would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions.
We have 30 members and always welcome new members. It can be difficult attending something different for the first time particularly if you are on your own, please contact the number below one of our committee members would be more than willing to collect or meet you. Social activities include a monthly lunch, usually somewhere local / a monthly walk not too strenuous, again to encourage members on their own to walk, exercise and socialise / different outings are arranged throughout the year / a jigsaw swop each month / used stamps are collected for charity.
Our WI is part of North Yorkshire East Federation, who produce a monthly newsletter full of opportunities to join educational or leisure activities, functions and outings to suit all ages and interests.
7th September - Sue Firth: The benefits of Aloe Vera
Competition Piece of multi-coloured jewellery
5th October - Lesley Newnham: The origins of the great British love affair with the seaside.
Competition Autumn arrangement on a saucer
2nd November - Annual Meeting
Prize Giving and Supper provided by the Committee
December - Christmas Lunch
Local Contact: 01937 530952