Pre-Submission Publication Selby District Local Plan (August 2022)

Published: 05 September 2022

What is the Selby District Local Plan?
The Selby District Local Plan sets out where new development will take place, as well as the local planning policies for determining planning applications and other development applications submitted to the Council. Sites allocated to be developed as well as areas for protection are identified on the Policies Map.

What is the Pre-Submission Publication Local Plan?
The Pre-Submission Publication Local Plan (or just known as the Publication Plan) is the version of the Local Plan that the Council proposes to formally ‘submit’ to the Secretary of State for Examination. The Council has considered all the responses received at all previous consultations in 2020 and 2021 and has made its decision regarding the policies and development proposals based on the evidence provided. By being involved in the Local Plan process at these earlier informal stages of consultation, you will have helped to shape the development direction of your neighbourhood and the District.

What are the Plans for Tadcaster?

The proposals for Tadcaster are shown on the maps overleaf. Emphasising the rich historic assets of the town, the primary aim is to regenerate the centre of Tadcaster through a careful and considered suite of proposals that reflect the historic patterns of development and complement existing heritage assets. This will be achieved by allocating sites for 372 new homes as well as bringing empty properties back into use. A key element of the proposals is the redevelopment of the Central Area Car Park to return it to town centre residential use, based on its historical footprint.

The replacement parking is to be provided through the creation of a new underground car park beneath a new town green which is directly adjacent to the existing Central Area Car Park to fully meet the identified needs of residents, workers, shoppers and visitors. A regeneration special policy area also puts forward some highways alterations including a pedestrian priority area along Kirkgate as well as a new public space in Robin Hood Yard to connect the town centre to the riverside. For more information about the proposals and the policies for the sites, please use the reference number on the Policies Map (overleaf) and refer to the main Local Plan document for details available on the Council’s Consultation Portal.

How did you decide on which sites to choose for allocations?
Landowners and developers submitted sites to the District Council which were then assessed through the Site Assessment Methodology. This plan shows all the sites to assess and to choose from for Tadcaster.

What is this consultation?
This consultation is the formal consultation on the Publication Local Plan (also known as Regulation 19 stage) before the Local Plan is formally Submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination by an independent Planning Inspector. The Publication consultation stage is your opportunity to say whether you think the Local Plan complies with the relevant legal requirements, including the Duty to Cooperate and is ‘sound’ (these are defined in the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework).

How can I find out more and get involved?
To look at the full document and to find out all the information you need to be involved go to the Council’s Consultation Portal. You need to first register or login before providing a response on the on-line comment form at:

There is a drop-in event at The Barn, Tadcaster on Tuesday 20 September 2022 from 3-6 pm where you can come along and see the proposals The consultation period runs to 5:00pm on 7 October 2022.

Download the full document including Maps