Garden Waste

Published: 31 July 2023

We wish to make you aware of some changes to our waste and recycling collections in your area, linked to ongoing industrial action and which may affect the service you receive.

There are different arrangements across the area so please check the details below carefully for any changes which will impact you.

While we are trying hard to reduce any impacts, we are grateful your patience.
From Tuesday 1 August to Friday 1 September all garden waste bins will be collected on the same week as recycling bins.

For some households this may mean there will be three weeks before the next garden waste collection. Because the waste collected goes directly to local composting sites, we can only take garden waste put out for collection in your garden waste bins. If you have extra waste that doesn’t fit in your garden waste bin, please keep it until your next collection or you can take it to your local household waste recycling centre for free.

The day of the week that your garden waste bin is collected will not change but the date may. Here is the revised list for August's collections.

If your collection day is Tuesday, your collections will be as follows:
Refuse Bin Collection - 1st, 15th and 29th
Brown Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 8th
Blue Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 22nd

If your collection day is Wednesday, your collections will be as follows:
Refuse Bin Collection - 2nd, 16th and 30th
Brown Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 9th
Blue Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 23rd

If your collection day is Thursday, your collections will be as follows :
Refuse Bin Collection - 3rd, 17th and 31st
Brown Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 10th
Blue Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 24th

If your collection day is Friday, your collections will be as follows:
Refuse Bin Collection - 4th and 18th
Brown Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 11th
Blue Recycling Bin and Green Bin Collection - 25th

Please continue to ensure your bins are presented for collection by 7am.

Due to the increase in workload on these days, there may be some occasions when we don’t manage to collect your garden waste bin. If this happens, please leave it out and we will return to collect it the following morning.

Any other missed collections can be reported via our website at

We will be sharing further updates on our website and social media channels, follow @northyorksc to stay up to date.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but would like to reassure you we are working closely with our contractors to ensure services are maintained to all households.

Yours faithfully

Keith Cadman
Head of Service, Commissioning, Contracts and Procurement (Selby area)